

AutoHotkey (FREE) - Send Actions from Double Pressing a Key for Specific Application

Finally, I have found the code that works.



The test steps – AutoHotkey 2.0.18

OS: Windows 11 Home



1. Download it from a link above and install.


2. The code.


#IfWinActive ahk_exe Notepad.exe



KeyWait,a,D T0.04

If ErrorLevel

               Send a


               Send x





Code explanation


Line 1: Notepad.exe is an active app. To get name of active app, read my previous post --


Line 2: I use one key, in this code is a. If you want to use other letters (b,c,d,e...), just change it.


Line 3: replace a after , to your letter.


Line 4: replace a after , to your letter.

D T0.04 = waits for 0.04 secs for key a to be pressed down.


In this code if I press key a one time, it sends a. If I press key a twice while 'Notepad' is active, it sends x. If you type fast and set D T to D T3, what will happen is when you type 'ab' you'll get 'ba' because it waits for 3 secs then key a will be pressed.


Time in D T affects double pressing too. If you set D T to D T0.04 but you double press key a too slow, what you get is aa not x.


So you might want to do lots of testing in order to make no mistake.


Line 6: replace a to your letter.


Line 8: replace x to your action.


If you want this script to work on every active application, just delete the first and the last line.


3. To run script, read step 2 in my post --


4. You can send key combination (Ctrl+x,....) as an action. If you don't want to read the offical manual, you can read my post from a link above.


To open an application, replace line 8 with Run "wordpad". In this case 'Wordpad' is launched.


More details:


The manual says Run command can also be used to open documents, folders and URLs.


Not bad for 10-line code that will make my flow faster.


The test steps – AutoHotkey 2.0.18

OS: Windows 11 Home


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