I haven’t found a way to remove or hide system volume overlay but it’s located at the bottom of the screen so it’s kind of hard to seen object.
3RVX can be placed the way you want so I can enjoy the beauty of it.
I will try to get the solution to remove system volume overlay.
The test steps – 3RVX 2.9.2
On: Windows 11 Home
Install: https://3rvx.com/
1. Go to the link above to download it.
At the bottom of the page.
You can open a GitHub link to see license.
2. Open the downloaded file, and follow the on-screen instruction to install the app.
Remember or create a shortcut of installation path because the settings file is there.
After it’s done installation, I went to the path below to setting up the app.
Open the file named ‘Settings’
At tab ‘General’, choose the skin.
If you choose the new skin but the ‘Apply’ button is greyed out, click ‘OK’, the ‘settings’ window will be closed, then open the ‘Settings’ file again. Click ‘Apply’, go back to target folder and open file ‘3RVX’.
I pressed the volume control on my keyboard laptop to change volume level.
Here are the skins
Don’t forget to click button ‘Apply’ after the skin is selected.
The skin will show when you changed volume at system tray icon.
You can set hotkeys to change volume in tab ‘Hotkeys’
The amount and unit can be set.
Click the system tray icon of 3RVX to access menus.
Looking at the beautiful object can help you reduce stress.
The test steps – 3RVX 2.9.2
On: Windows 11 Home
Install: https://3rvx.com/