


Part 2 of 2:

I don't write this article like most online writers do - general usage, not clear steps to follow, at the end reader just know the name of apps to get it and try it without any focus.

Screenshot apps are all over the place but if you put some filters (free, name scheme, counter, built-in annotation tool, auto-save) on them, it's hard to find good ones.

I tested about 11 free screenshot apps and picked 2 of them for blogging.

Lightscreen 2.5
Download from developer's website


Version 2.5 doesn't have built-in annotation tool but don't worry I will tell you the freeware with built-in annotation tool. The basic capturing - region, window ,full screen is waiting for you which I don't focus on because it's too easy.

The test steps #1 - name scheme, counter, auto-save 
OS: Windows  7 Home Edition

1. Open the program, there is the program window. 

2. Click button 'Options' > tab 'General' > check 'File' check box. > set directory, filename, format. After filename, select number in drop-down list. This way, screenshot will be named automatically based on settings and end with running number.


Click button 'Three lines' next to a drop-down list to set 'leading zeros' - leading zeros = 3, name will be wfg - lightscreen - 0005.png

3. Go to tab 'Options', uncheck 'Choose where... ("Save as")' check box.


4. After taking screenshot, a file was saved automatically with the directory, name scheme, format I set. The special things about this freeware are.

Case 1: If the filename is the same, the running number continue from the latest running number regardless of file format (PNG, JPG). If folder contains 4 files (...01,...02,...03,...04), and file '...04' is deleted then new screenshot file will be named '...04'

Case 2 (pic above): Filename is changed, the running number will restart. If folder contains old filename 'wfg - lightscreen - ', then you change the settings - the new filename is 'wfg - lightscreenxxx - '. New screenshot filename will be 'wfg - lightscreenxxx - 01.png'

I used 'the special things about this freeware' because other freeware I tested doesn't have a good concept of running number.

The test steps #2 - delay

1. Click button 'Options'> go to tab 'Options' > set delay and take screenshot.

2. There is no countdown user interface. The program provides notification after taking screenshot - 'wfg - lightscreen - 06.png saved to "C:/pics"'

The test steps #3 - import/export settings

Most freeware programs lack for this feature. I think people think about this feature as 'backup' feature but try thinking about something else... how about 'Profile'? - you have 2 different exported settings files stored in the save place, In the morning a file is imported for specific purpose, in the evening another file is imported for another specific purpose. Is it a good idea?

1. Click button 'Options' > click button 'Options with arrow' at the bottom of window

2. To export settings, click menu 'export...' and name the file. File extension is .ini. Without restarting program, I can import settings to replace the current settings by clicking menu 'import...'

Lightscreen 2.5
Download from developer's website

Part 2 of 2:

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