

Atom (FREE!) - Delete Multiple Characters at Once with 'Multiple Cursors' on Windows

The input in this post is from the output of 'Snipping Tool'.


Converting newspaper image to text, the result are columns, sometimes there are many hyphens joining words between lines. If you convert a column to single line, you do not need those hyphens.

 'Multiple Cursors' of Atom comes to help in this case.

The test steps - Atom 1.60.0 ia32
OS: Windows 11 Home
Download from the developer's website:

1. Go to the link above, then expand the 'Assets' section of the target version, then click to download a version for Windows.


Unzip the downloaded file. There are 2 folders, open folder 'Atom'.

Open file 'atom'. There are tabs -- 'Welcome' and 'Welcome guide'. You can close them.

2. Click menu 'File' --> 'New File'. Save it.

Past text.

In the picture above, you will see hyphens.

After the lines are joined ,there are hyphens. If you want to know how to join lines with Atom, read my previous post. -->

You might want to wrap text to make things easier. Click the line number to select that line.

In the picture above, from line 2 to the last line were joined so I clicked line 2 to select. Then click menu 'View' > 'Toggle Soft Wrap'.

The result is below.

In the picture above, I will show you how to delete space and hyphen in intimi- date. And Emer- gency and others.

Change the current position of the cursor to the right place. In my case, I placed the cursor before character 'd' of intimi- date.

Then hold Ctrl key while clicking to place the cursor at other positions. The result is below.

Then I pressed Backspace key two times. The result is below.

Press Esc key, there will be one cursor.

The current position of cursor is the first position before the 2nd cursor is placed.

With the power of this code editor you can get it done fast.

The test steps - Atom 1.60.0 ia32
OS: Windows 11 Home
Download from the developer's website:

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