

DeskCalc - Calculator with History Free on Windows 11

This free app has the specific way to use it. I don't know the adding machine, just looking for the basic calculator with history viewer, history editor, note taking.


The test steps - DeskCalc 8.3.7
OS: Windows 11 Home
Install from Microsoft Store


1. Open the program.

By default, it is set to be on top of other windows.

Click 'TOP' at the bottom to toggle 'always on top'

Check the settings is a good idea because this app doesn't have a friendly user interfaces.

File > DeskCalc options.

At 'Show Tape Header', set the value to 'Yes'.

By default, calculator mode is 'Windows Calc'

The numbers must be typed first before adding notes.

I typed 45, 45 showed in the box above a keypad.

I typed +56, the numbers did not show. I tried again, this time it works.

I pressed 'Enter' on my keyboard.

I clicked at line 1 at column 'Text'.

And I typed something.

Then I pressed the down arrow, the text box showed at line 2 and ready to be added with text.

If you do this workflow, It makes less confusion.

There are menus, when you do the right clicking.

I made a comment, then selected the next row but I couldn't add anything.

I clicked at the blue area, there was a dialog saying that calculate something before editing.

2. This app allows multiple documents in tabs.

File > New Tape

I set calculator mode to 'Adding Machine'

The column 'Operation' is set to the last column.

To edit history, click at it, type a new one. 

Press 'Enter', then press 'Esc', the box will disappear.

That's it for history viewer/editor and note taking.

The difference between 'Adding Machine' mode and 'Windows Calc' mode  that I learned is in 'Adding Machine', typing 50+50 --> Enter, the result is 50.

In 'Windows Calc', typing 50+50 --> Enter, the result is 100.

When you type like this in Calculator app that comes with Windows 11, the result is the same.

3. I switched to 'Windows Calc' mode in order to achieve my goal.

To select something, drag a mouse.

Press delete, to remove what you select.

After pressing 'Enter' to get the result, then click the next line in column 'Text'.

I can add comment to this line, but I can't in the next one.

I guessed it was preserved for the title of calculation so the next one I mentioned above can not be added with text.

After pressing 'Enter' to get the result, I pressed - (minus), the result of the previous calculation will be used for the current calculation, the line above is ommitted. 

This is clear, that line is designed for the title/comment of the calculation.

Instead of pressing - (minus), if you press the down arrow, then type numbers, the previous calculation will not be used for the current calculation.

Now it's time for 'Grand Total', in this case I clicked 'GT' menu.


GT = sum of (= #1 + =#2)

In the picture above, = #1 is 118.67, =#2 is 4463.65
GT = 4582.32

I thought this free app has something good but I had to bear the not-easy user interfaces to get good things. GT feature comfirmed my thought.

I'm done talking about the structure, the next thing I want to talk about is some features that will help calculating easier.

4. Memory, menu memory uses numbers from the box to add and minus the value.

I find no way to type to set numbers in memory. In the picture above, numbers must be in the box, in this case, it is 56.

MC is for setting it to zero.
M+ is for adding
M- is for deducting
MR is for copying number in memory to input field

ML is for pasting to tape

The picture below is before clicking ML.

The picture below is after clicking ML.

ML will paste history of memory to the tape.

You can use this history by clicking the target number, that number will be in the input box.

14 digit limitation of this app.

My goal is achieved, this free version gives more than I expected.

In the picture above, it looks like a trial version so I uninstalled it via Microsoft 'Add and Remove Programs' featuhen I installed it again via Microsoft store then checked 'About' menu.

 FreeVersion (2/31 Days) was changed to FreeVersion (0/31 Days)  

The test steps - DeskCalc 8.3.7
OS: Windows 11 Home
Install from Microsoft Store

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